Thursday, November 18, 2010

7. Fun Times Japanese Aid

Sorry for the random title. Today I made a video about some japanese games I play to sort of expose myself to the language without grinding lessons. Here it is!

I introduced the games in no particular order but the games ranged from beginners to advanced levels in japanese. Honestly I am not too sure where I am in japanese. Everything I know is very random and all over the place so I can understand a little in every situation so I just like to fill in the gaps of what I know. But there are tons more games out there that are goo for beginners. Some games I didn't mention was Mamegoma 2 and Rhythm Rilakkuma. Both fun and simple. Pokemon, which I didn't get to show you, gives you the option on how to read. You can choose between kana and kanji. I picked kana because it is just easier at my level. If you play pokemon your familiar with alot of what goes on so you can kinda put two and two together and make sense out of the game.

Like I stated in the video none of this is useful or possible if you can't read kana. I know it's fucked up and I am not trying to exclude anyone. It's just that aside from it being better, it is also easier for me to write things without using romaji. I think I learned hiragana when I was 14. For no reason at all I just learned them and the internet was a great place for that.

You can do a google search on hiragana charts or katakana charts and tons will show up. Also on youtube there is a hiragana compilation from the Yan & The Japanese People program.

The rest are available through Aploosh the user that holds the lessons where Stephanie is currently learning japanese. Once you have learned kana you can play some games online that will help you remember everything. One of my favorite sites for kana practice and vocabulary strengthening is Charles Kelly's Online Japanese Language Study Materials. This entire website is great for everything you can think of.

Some other websites that are good are and

I think total immersion is required when learning any language so if you like anime watch it (without subtitles is best), if you listen to music find the lyrics, sing karaoke, translate the lyrics. Anything can help get you used to japanese and ultimately understand.

Also it's good to find a good online dictionary. Personally I use It hasn't failed me yet.

Well this concludes my first order of business regarding japanese on the blog. I hope this was helpful and possibly entertaining. Sometime soon I will put a window with links to tons of other useful japanese sites. Thanks for reading.


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